Objective Connect underpins transformation of the Council's development application process and more
Going digital moves the city towards its 2035 vision to be more sustainable environmentally, socially and economically.
The Blue Mountains is one of only two cities in the world surrounded by a UNESCO-declared World Heritage National Park. By 2035 their vision is to be more sustainable environmentally, socially and economically. Going digital is one action that moves the city towards the goal.
Objective Connect has been successfully implemented as the secure information exchange platform between the City, its citizens and other stakeholder groups. The implementation commenced with transforming the development application (DA) process and providing a two-way collaborative dialogue with applicants (citizens and developers) and their advisers. Connect integrated seamlessly into the council’s records management system, Content Manager (TRIM), to ensure a single source of the truth.
This significantly improved information exchange and time-frames and benefits, including:
Team transformation: Connect has empowered knowledge workers with flexibility and self- sufficiency. The solution has enabled staff development, enhancing skills and improving staff effectiveness.
Transparency: allowing users to perform all client interactions and collaboration tasks electronically and reducing effort and time on every development application
Productivity: Finding documents is easier, no need to print or scan. Wait time for paper or emails has been eliminated supporting the Digital in, Digital out strategy.
Security and compliance: The solution provides a secure two-way information exchange, produces a complete record in one place and supports records compliance.
Objective Connect transformed our development application process allowing us to reduce client response time from 7 days to 7 minutes.
Marlene Jones
Blue Mountains City Council
The council now receives 100% of Development applications electronically and have substantially reduced paper consumption and the number of times a document is handled.
The use of Objective Connect has since been expanded to include a variety of application types; family day care, legal transmittals and city events, providing further productivity and reduced overheads.
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