Why your company needs to prioritise design-led innovation
Design-led innovation is the driver for companies to meet the demand of the Experience Economy Era.
Design-led innovation is the driver for companies to meet the demand of the Experience Economy Era.
It has been a while since the Great Age of Discovery in the software industry ended. Today, most of the needs that can be fulfilled by software have been met.
Besides being much cheaper and having greater performance and reliability, genuinely modern technologies have in common very special features that differentiate them from old-school ones:
All that comes down to design.
Design, in its broader sense, bridges the vast gap between “A relevant product exists” and “I use it easily, efficiently and in an enjoyable way.” Design-led innovation is the driver for companies to meet the demand of the Experience Economy Era.
Why design-led innovation is critical to business growth
For most requirements, customers may be already using solutions that might be clunky, ugly and inefficient, but they do work. With that in mind, it can be counterproductive to continue expanding the feature list when we should be focusing on good design instead.
As an example, when we were planning a new major version of our product Objective Trapeze, we spoke to end-users to find out what they wanted. The research revealed that most of them would prefer us to perfect the existing features rather than introduce brand-new ones. In order to grow, our product needed to provide a perfectly designed, enjoyable way to complete a list of particular tasks.
Sometimes, those experience design improvements involve sophisticated technologies, e.g. computer vision, cloud data processing, etc. However, we employ them not just “because we can” or because machine learning is the latest hype technology. We use them because, for that specific task (say, auto-stamping the plans using optical patterns recognition), it removes tens of repetitive clicks, reduces error rates and makes the perception of the process positive.
Trendy technologies aren’t going to become, nor should they be perceived as new features. They are just a way of making a good old tool to be an “awesome” one, and getting that “Wow!” exclamation from customers.
At Objective, we identify bridging the experience gap through design-led innovation as one of our most significant growth drivers.
Sharing responsibility for design-led innovation
It’s not a revolutionary idea that business analysis is an integral part of the product design process. Identifying how people do things and why so, where the inefficiencies are, what constitutes the experience gap—those are traditional parts of both BAs’ and UXs’ daily jobs.
In fact, the boundaries between business analyst, UX designer and product manager are frequently blurred, making healthy co-operation and thoughtful delimitation of responsibilities between those professionals essential for product success.
As such, everyone shares the responsibility of design-led innovation:
Artëm Kamnev
UX Designer at Objective Corporation
How we invest in design-led innovation at Objective
Innovation + design thinking isn’t a separate practice—it is a part of the DNA of a design-driven company.
When somebody asks me, “What’s your design process?” I always say, “It depends.” Each product team has a unique culture and a particular stage of their product’s lifecycle.
At Objective, we invest in the strategic vision of our products. As designers, we are expected to be a year or two ahead of the development:
With our homemade design system, Objective Design Language, we have the luxury to create a lot of mockups with ideas which will never be implemented “as is”—however, they could eventually evolve into some particular solution when the time comes. Although our design system doesn’t look like a polished brand-book, it evolves with our company, customers and market trends.
Objective is great as a company where if you have something to say, you’ll be heard, and with respect. However, it is not that kind of democracy where the weight of a voice depends on its loudness—while allowing everybody to have a say, we weigh the voices with an acknowledgement of the person’s professional expertise in the area being discussed. That is a rare but essential benefit for the design team, especially because of our responsibility to question the status quo and change imperfect things even if they have been around for decades.
Needless to say, flexible working hours, the opportunity to work from home when deep concentration is needed, nice equipment, and last but not least, state-of-the-art modern office design with breathtaking panoramic views, are all great drivers of creativity.
We know that design isn’t just about making beautiful-looking buttons. We are proud of our holistic approach to creating great experiences, which is what design-led innovation is all about.
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