Robust governance to protect privacy and ensure the accessibility of records

Real-time tracking of department briefs and document management

The Attorney General's Department (AGD) of South Australia plays a vital role in the government, overseeing law enforcement, drafting legislation, and providing essential support services.

It manages a vast amount of data, requiring robust governance to protect privacy and ensure the accessibility of records.

The implementation of Objective is a significant milestone in South Australia's digital transformation journey, aligning with the government's Digital by Default initiative. This initiative aims to make it easier for citizens to access government services digitally while ensuring their personal information is secure and protected.

The use of Objective solutions has help AGD with this vision, providing real-time tracking of department briefs and document management. It has reduced reliance on physical records, leading to enhanced information governance and improved business processes.

The bottom line is that people of South Australia are getting results faster and more efficiently, while while the records are being created digitally and governed automatically.

Matthew Saunders

EDRMS Manager, Attorney General's Department, South Australia