Channel Level Governance
We are releasing the most sought-after Objective Gov365 feature - Channel Level Governance. Now you have the flexibility to decide whether to govern an entire team or just specific channels. The process of setting up the governance destination, frequency and finalisation settings are the same as for teams level governance.
The benefits of setting governance at the channel level include the following:
- Apply different retention cycles for content in different channels
- Ability to close specific channels while ensuring the remainder of the team is still governed
- Surface Objective ECM or Objective Nexus content within a particular channel
Any newly added channels will still be automatically governed if you are governing an entire team.
In addition to viewing which teams are governed, you can now see which channels are governed, which are not and which channels have been deleted. This additional capability provides visibility to take action on any channels that require governance.
Other updates
- Improved notification; provide Microsoft Teams users with greater visibility when a team or channel is being governed.
- Improved mapping; Objective ECM/Nexus Handy is now shown when mapping a team or channel.
Learn more
Customers using the cloud version (SaaS) of Objective Gov365 already have this capability, view the Release Notes via the button below.
For other implementations of Objective Gov365, get in touch with us using the form to the right to discuss upgrading to the latest version.